Xavier Lostlots is a lab assistant to an angry, angry educational researcher. He is currently charge
Question: Xavier Lostlots is a lab assistant to an angry, angry educational researcher. He is currently charged with creating a least squares regression line for an extremely large data set that his boss collected relating sleep hours to undergraduate collegiate GPA. Xavier, sadly, left all of the data on top of his car in the morning and it blew off to several locations off the Garden State Parkway. When he realized what he had done he was only able to save a summary sheet with the following data on it:
mean hours of sleep: 5.33 mean gpa: 2.667
standard deviation of sleep hours: 1.2 std. dev. gpa: 0.001
correlation coefficient: 0.9982
Xavier enters your office in a weeping state of panic and fear asking you if you’d be willing to write him a letter of recommendation after he gets fired. Your job is to calm Xavier down by explaining to him IN DETAIL how to find the information he needs with the data that he managed to save. Remember, he is the nervous sort so he needs CLEAR and CONCISE directions.
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