Solution) Compute E(X) and var(X) for random variable X whose support { -5,-1,0,2,3,6,7 } has corre­sponding p

Question: Compute E(X) and var(X) for random variable X whose support \(\left\{ -5,-1,0,2,3,6,7 \right\}\) has corre­sponding probabilities

\[\left\{ \frac{5}{19},\frac{2}{19},\frac{5}{19},\frac{1}{38},\frac{5}{38},\frac{7}{38},\frac{1}{38} \right\}\]

Since I will compare your response to the exact values returned by TI-83 list algebra operations, if you don't use list algebra, then make sure that your computations have no roundoff error. If you use list algebra, then also provide the commands that gave E(X) and var(X), and identify which list variables held what data.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 1 page
Solution Format: Word Document

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