A sample of nine regular smokers were selected at random to participate in a study to examine the ef

Question: A sample of nine regular smokers were selected at random to participate in a study to examine the effects of hypnosis on smoking. First each participant was asked to note the number of cigarettes they smoked the day before. They were then hypnotised and given the post- hypnotic suggestion that each time they lit a cigarette they would experience a horrible taste and feel nauseated. The number of cigarettes they consumed the day after the treatment was then recorded. The data is shown in the table below. Is there evidence to support the view that hypnotherapy can reduce cigarette consumption? Test at the 1% level of significance.

Table 1: Cigarettes consumed before and after hypnotherapy by participant

Participant Cigarettes consumed before treatment After treatment
1 17 15
2 23 16
3 15 10
4 27 31
5 24 17
6 37 32
7 18 18
8 27 21
9 21 12
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