Solution) A investigator used a Charlotte Hospice length of stay data (admission until death), but restricted

Question: A investigator used a Charlotte Hospice length of stay data (admission until death), but restricted his attention to only the Medicare patients. He defined a new variable called MONTH and gave it a value of 1 if patient stayed less than 31 days in hospice, if more than 31 days = 0. Another variable DOC_CANC was categorical variable with 4 levels.

1=patient diagnosed with cancer and referred by oncologist

2=patient diagnosed with cancer and referred by non-oncologist

3=patient not diagnosed with cancer and referred by non-oncologist

4=patient not diagnosed with cancer and referred by oncologist

1 2 3 4
0 month 399 patients 388 patients 545 patients 9 patients
1 month 310 388 607 11

Using available data estimate odds of staying in hospice less than one month for each level of DOC_CANC variable.

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Solution: The answer consists of 1 page
Solution Format: Word Document

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