The client is a 17-year-old male high school student who has been in counseling for three sessions.

Question: The client is a 17-year-old male high school student who has been in counseling for three sessions. The presenting concern was related to stress and insomnia. The client reports he is feeling a lot of stress related to his schoolwork and keeping up his grades as well as his participation in team sports. The client has never received less than an A in any class since entering high school and takes mostly honors-level courses. The client plans to attend Yale University from which both his parents graduated. He enters the fourth counseling session visibly upset and announces to the counselor that his SAT I (mean = 500, SD = 100) scores were 550 for the Verbal test and 520 for the Quantitative test. He is concerned that he will not be accepted to Yale with such low SAT scores. What would you do to help this student?

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