The financial times/harris poll is a monthly online poll of adults from six countries in Europe and

Question: The financial times/harris poll is a monthly online poll of adults from six countries in Europe and the united states. The poll conducted in January 2008 included 1015 adults. One of the questions asked was "How would you rate the federal bank in handling the credit problems in the financial markets?" Possible responses were excellent, good, fair, bad, and terrible. The 1015 responses for this question can be found in the data file named fedbank.

a. Construct a frequency distribution.

b. Construct a percent frequency distribution.

c. Construct a bar chart for the percent frequency distribution.

d. comment on how adults in the united states think the federal bank is handling the credit problems in the financial markets.

e. In Spain, 1114 adults were asked, 'How would you rate the european central bank in handling the credit problems in the financial markets?" The percent frequency distribution obtained is as follows.

Rating Percent Frequency

excellent 0

good 4

fair 46

bad 40

terrible 10

Compare the results obtained in Spain with the results obtained in the United States.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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