Solution) A study by Blem and Blem, examined the reproductive characteristics if the eastern cottonmouth, a

Question: 4 A study by Blem and Blem, examined the reproductive characteristics if the eastern cottonmouth, a once widely distributed snake whose numbers have decreased recently due to encroachment by humans. A simple random sample of 44 female cottonmouths yielded the following data on number of young per litter.

5 12 7 7 6 8 12 9 7
4 9 6 12 7 5 6 10 3
10 8 8 12 5 6 10 11 3
8 4 5 7 6 11 7 6 8
8 14 8 7 11 7 5 4

a. Use the data to obtain a point estimate for the mean number of young per liter, , of all female eastern cotton mouths.

b. Is your point estimate in part (a) likely to equal exactly? Explain your answer.

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