Compute descriptive statistics and make a stem- and-leaf plot and a box plot of average diastolic bl
Question: Compute descriptive statistics and make a stem- and-leaf plot and a box plot of average diastolic blood pressure )variable dbp58((.
A) Describe the distribution. Does it have a single peak? Does the distribution look symmetric? If it has a tail, is it toward large or small values?
B) From the stem- and- leaf plot, what are the three are largest diastolic blood pressure values? What are the values for the cases with the 10 smallest values?
C) Look at the box plot. Is the median in the middle of the box? What does that tell you? Are there outliers or extreme observations in the data values? Within what range do the middle 50% of the data values fall? What is the inter-quartile range for the data?
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Deliverables: Word Document