Creek Ratz is a very popular restraint located along the coast of northern Florida. They serve a var
Question: Creek Ratz is a very popular restraint located along the coast of northern Florida. They serve a variety of steak and seafood dinners. During the summer beach season, they do not take reservations or accept “call ahead” seating. Management of the restaurant is concerned with the time a patron must wait before being seated for dinner. Listed below is the wait time, in minutes, for the 25 tables seated last Sunday night.
28 39 23 67 37 28 56 40 28 50
51 45 44 65 61 27 24 61 34 44
64 25 24 27 29
A) Explain why the times are a population.
b) Find the mean and median of the times.
c) Find the range and the standard deviation of the times.
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