Solution) Below are the percentages of the population in American states over the age of 65, in 1994 (Statist
Question: Below are the percentages of the population in American states over the age
of 65, in 1994 (Statistical Abstract of the United States, cited in Moore, David S.,
Statistics: Concepts and Controversies, 4th edition, p 221).
a) Are the data quantitative or qualitative? If the data are quantitative, are they discrete or continuous? Explain. [2 marks]
b) Construct a frequency histogram for the percentage of seniors. [4 marks]
c) Construct an ogive. [3 marks]
State Percent State Percent State Percent
00 Alabama 12.9 17 Louisiana 11.4 34 Ohio 13.4 01 Alaska 4.6 18 Maine 13.9 35 Oklahoma 13.6
02 Arizona 13.4 19 Maryland 11.2 36 Oregon 13.7
03 Arkansas 14.8 20 Massachusetts 14.1 37 Pennsylvania 15.9
04 California 10.6 21 Michigan 12.4 38 Rhode Island 15.6
05 Colorado 10.1 22 Minnesota 12.5 39 South Carolina 11.9
06 Connecticut 14.2 23 Mississippi 12.5 40 South Dakota 14.7
07 Delaware 12.7 24 Missouri 14.1 41 Tennessee 12.7
08 Florida 18.4 25 Montana 13.3 42 Texas 10.2
09 Georgia 10.1 26 Nebraska 14.1 43 Utah 8.8
10 Hawaii 12.1 27 Nevada 11.3 44 Vermont 12.1
11 Idaho 11.6 28 New Hampshire 11.9 45 Virginia 11.1
12 Illinois 12.6 29 New Jersey 13.2 46 Washington 11.6
13 Indiana 12.8 30 New Mexico 11.0 47 West Virginia 15.4
14 Iowa 15.4 31 New York 13.2 48 Wisconsin 13.4
15 Kansas 13.9 32 North Carolina 12.5 49 Wyoming 11.1
16 Kentucky 12.7 33 North Dakota 14.7
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