The offcourse income of all 50 professional golfers in the golf digest 50 can be found on the data f
Question: The offcourse income of all 50 professional golfers in the golf digest 50 can be found on the data file OffCourse. The income data are in the $1000s. Use classes of 0-4999, 5000-9999, 10,000-14,999, and so on to answer the following questions. Include an open ended class of 50,000 or more as the largest income class.
a. Construct a frequency distribution and percent frequency distribution of the annual off-course income of the 50 professional golfers.
b. construct a histogram for this data.
c. comment on the shape of the distribution of off course income.
d. What is the most frequent off course income class for the 50 professional golfers? Using your tabular and graphical summaries, what additional observations can you make about the off course income of these 50 professional golphers?
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