If our first exam scores were found to be normally distributed with a mean of 77.84 and a standard

Question: . If our first exam scores were found to be normally distributed with a mean of 77.84 and a standard deviation of 10.63,

a). What is the probability of getting a grade higher than 72?

b). What percentage of students scored between 79 and 85?

c). What is the mode?

d). Twelve percent of the class who posted the lowest scores were lower than what grade?

e). If I graded on a curve (give A’s to the top 25% of the class regardless of score), are you better off with a grade of an 84 on this exam or a grade of 76 on a different exam where the mean is 71.32 and the standard deviation is 6.52? Show your results statistically and briefly explain.

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Solution: The solution file consists of 2 pages
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