Let's say you collected information regarding the number of windows in each of the n homes you sampl

Question: Let's say you collected information regarding the number of windows in each of the n homes you sampled from your state and that the fewest number of windows was 6 and the most number of windows a home had was 41. Assume that there are no outliers in the data set. Answer the following questions regarding a frequency distribution that could be constructed for this data and graphs that could be drawn based upon the frequency distribution. If you don't know what to answer for any part below, make up an answer. Don't leave any question unanswered! (Those are good words of advice.)

a) How many classes would be reasonable for the frequency distribution?

b) Based upon your answer to part a, what would be an appropriate class width? (Show your work.)

c) Based upon your previous answers, state the first class's lower class limit.

d) Based upon your previous two answers, what is the first class's upper limit?

e) Based upon your previous answers, what should the second class's lower limit be?

f) Based upon selected previous answer(s) that you gave above, state the x-coordinate of the point of the frequency polygon that would correspond to the first class of the frequency distribution.

g) Based upon selected previous answer(s) that you gave above, state the x-coordinate of the point of the ogive that would correspond to the first class of the frequency distribution.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution file consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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