Auto insurance is much more expensive for teen drivers than for older drivers. To justify the cost d
Question: Auto insurance is much more expensive for teen drivers than for older drivers. To justify the cost difference ins. Companies claim that the younger drivers are much more likely to be involved in an accident. To test this claim, a researcher obtains info about registered drivers from the DMN and selects a sample of n=300 accident reports form the police dept. the DMV reports the % of registered drives in each age is as follows: 16% are under 20, 28% are 20-29yrs old, and 56% are 30yrs or older. The accident reports the number of accidents= Under 20 is 68, age 20-19 is 92, and 30 and older is 140.
Do the data indicate that the distribution of accidents for the three groups is significantly different from the distribution of drivers? Test at 0.05
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