Solution) Suppose that instead of additivity, you conjectured that the impact of the evaluation of Hispanics o
Question: Suppose that instead of additivity, you conjectured that the impact of the evaluation of Hispanics on prejudice toward Hispanics is conditional on whether or not the respondent is white or a minority (in other words, you suspect there is an interaction between hispthrm and white). See output 2 (part 2 of output on BB), with the interactive regression models testing this proposition. Interpret the results of the interaction substantively, focus on the effects—i.e. coefficients, significance, nature of the r/s with the DV—of hispthrm, white and the interaction among them. Write down the regression equations. Is the relationship of evaluation of Hispanics with prejudice toward Hispanics conditional on being white? How (i.e., what is the effect of evaluation of Hispanics on prejudice toward Hispanics among whites, and what is the r/s among minorities)? Why? – I.e. did you expect this result? How can you explain it theoretically? * Remember that to see the slope and significance of evaluation of Hispanics among whites and minorities we needed to have two versions of ethnicity (one when whites =0 and one when minorities =0), construct two interactive terms (one with the dummy variable where whites =0 and one with the dummy variable
where minorities =0), and run the regression twice—once with each version of ethnicity and the corresponding interactive term.
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