Go to this web page: http://www.intuitor.com/statistics/CentralLim.html In the box titled “Central L
Question: Go to this web page: http://www.intuitor.com/statistics/CentralLim.html
In the box titled “Central Limit Theorem Applet” is a link for the “applet.” Click on this link, and view the demonstration. The top diagram shows the original population and the bottom diagram shows the sampling distribution of means (distribution of sample means) resulting from the number of samples indicated and the sample size indicated. View this demonstration several times, each time using different values for the number of samples and the sample size. Repeat this exercise for different population types. Then write a paragraph about how the distribution of sample means changes as you change the population type, the number of samples and the sample size. Finally, explain how this is related to the Central Limit Theorem.
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