A large observational study used records from Canada's national health care system to compare the ef
Question: A large observational study used records from Canada's national health care system to compare the effectiveness of two ways to treat prostate disease. The two treatments are traditional surgery and a new method that does not require surgery. The records described many patients whom doctors had chosen one or the other method. The study found that patients treated by the new method were significantly more likely to die within 8 years.
a) Further study of the data showed that this conclusion was wrong. The extra deaths among patients who received the new treatment could be explained by-lurking variables. What lurking variables-might be confounded with a doctor's choice of surgical or non-surgical treatment?
(b) You have 300 prostate patients who are willing to serve as subjects in an experiment to compare the um methods. Use a diagram to outline the design of a randomized comparative experiment.
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