SPSS Assignment 1 ? Enter the data for Chapter 15, question 7 into SPSS. ? State the null and altern

Question: SPSS Assignment 1

? Enter the data for Chapter 15, question 7 into SPSS.

? State the null and alternative hypotheses.

? Conduct a correlation test (Pearson r) at the .05 level.

? Copy or copy object and paste relevant output from the statistical test.

? State whether or not the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the results of the statistical test. Use the conventions described by Gravetter and Wallnau on page 428 to present your report.

? In a short paragraph, discuss what the results of correlation test mean regarding the relationship between anxiety level and test performance.

To measure the relationship between anxiety level and test performance, a psychologist obtains a sample of n = 6 college students from an introductory statistics course. The students are asked to come to the laboratory 15 minutes before the final exam. In the lab, the psychologist records physiological measures of anxiety (heart rate, skin resistance, blood pressure, etc.) for each participant. In addition, the psychologist obtains the exam score for each participant. Compute the Pearson correlation for the following data:

Student Anxiety Rating Exam Score

A 5 80

B 2 88

C 7 80

D 7 79

E 4 86

F 5 85

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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