Here is the data on the annual returns (percent) for the Vanguard International Growth Fund and its

Question: Here is the data on the annual returns (percent) for the Vanguard International Growth Fund and its benchmark index, the Morgan Stanley EAFE index. Doe the fund significantly outperform its benchmark?

(a) Explain clearly why the matched pairs t test is the proper choice to answer this question.

(b) Make a stemplot of the differences (fund-EAFE) for the 20 years. There is no reason to doubt the approximate Normality of the differences. (More detailed study shows that the differences follow a Normal distribution quite closely.)

(c) Carry out the test and state your conclusion about the fund’s performance.

Year Fund EAFE Year Fund EAFE
1982 5.27 -1.86 1992 -5.79 -12.17
1983 43.08 23.69 1993 44.74 32.56
1984 -1.02 7.38 1994 0.76 7.78
1985 56.94 56.16 1995 14.89 11.21
1986 56.71 69.44 1996 14.65 6.05
1987 12.48 24.63 1997 4.12 1.78
1988 11.61 28.27 1998 16.93 20
1989 24.76 10.54 1999 26.34 26.96
1990 -12.05 -23.45 2000 -8.6 -14.17
1991 4.74 12.13 2001 -18.92 -21.44
Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
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