A clinical psychologist has noted that autistic children seem to respond to treatment better if they

Question: A clinical psychologist has noted that autistic children seem to respond to treatment better if they are in a familiar environment. To evaluate the influence of environment, the psychologist selects a group of 115 autistic children who are currently in treatment and randomly divides them into three groups. One group continues to receive treatment in the clinic as usual. For the second group, treatment sessions are conducted entirely in the child's home. The third group gets half of

the treatment in the clinic and half at home. After 6 weeks, the psychologist evaluates the progress for each child. The data are as follows:

Clinic Home Both

1 4 4

1 7 1

5 4 2

2 6 2

2 5 3

State the hypotheses both symbolically and narratively. Discuss each assumption and test those you can.

Present your results in two tables: a table of means and standard deviations by group and an analysis of variance summary table.

Discuss statistical significance and practical significance. Use the appropriate post hoc test. State your conclusions.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 5 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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