people went through a pre-post intervention (36 total scores) about their knowledge of
Question: Problem 5: 18 people went through a pre-post intervention (36 total scores) about their knowledge of dinglelitis…one group (6 people) received nothing; the second group (6 people) received a pamphlet; the third group (6 people) had fact to face intervention. A pre-test was given immediately prior to the intervention; a post-test was given one week after the intervention.
Null hypothesis:
The interventions had no impact on knowledge gain
Alternative Hypothesis:
The interventions had an impact on knowledge gained.
Click here to open data (include a copy of the table with the results).
If there is significance, conduct a Post Hoc (Tukey’s) to determine where the difference lies.
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document
Deliverables: Word Document