Markowitz and Felson (1998) examined how attitudes toward violence may differ between the general po

Question: Markowitz and Felson (1998) examined how attitudes toward violence may differ between the general population and ex-offenders. This question is based on their paper.The authors asked both samples to indicate whether they strongly agreed (-2), agreed (-1), were not sure (0), disagreed (+1), or strongly disagreed (+2) with the following statement: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is a good rule for living.” The mean response in the sample of the general population (n = 45) was –0.886 (standard deviation = 1.034). The mean response in the sample of ex-offenders (n = 41) was –0.177 (standard deviation = 1.261). Perform a hypothesis test to determine if there is a difference in the mean response. Use a 0.10 level of statistical significance and assume that population variances are equal.

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