Mary Jo Fitzgerald is the Vice President for Nursing Services at St. Luke’s Memorial Hospital. Recen

Question: Mary Jo Fitzgerald is the Vice President for Nursing Services at St. Luke’s Memorial Hospital. Recently she noticed in the job postings for nurses that those that are unionized seem to offer higher wages. She decided to investigate and gathered the following sample information. The level of significance is 0.02 which is equivalent to a critical value of 2.05. If you use Excel, embed the spreadsheet/worksheet into this exercise.

Group Mean Wage Sample Standard Deviation Sample Size
Union $20.75 $2.25 40
Non-union $19.80 $1.90 45

a. Set up the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

b. State the decision rule.

c. Show calculations for the test statistic.

d. What is your decision?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution file consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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