The researcher was interested in determining what effects the workshop might have on knowledge at

Question: 4. The researcher was interested in determining what effects the workshop might have on knowledge at the end of the workshop, and on performance at a later date.

It was possible to compare the knowledge test marks that the educators obtained prior to the workshop with the marks that they obtained at the end of the workshop. In particular, was there evidence of improvement from the initial knowledge test marks to those obtained at the end of the workshop on the posttest?

Further, was there evidence of change on the composite performance indicator scores that educators obtained at the end of the workshop to what they obtained once they were back in their teaching settings for a month (long-term)?

You can assume that the mean is a good measure of central tendency, and therefore is a good representation of possible change in scores. So this question requires a significance test for a comparison of means for paired groups (hypothesis tests with related samples).

(4 marks)

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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