Report the findings from the following t-tests in proper APA format (including effect size).

Question: Report the findings from the following t-tests in proper APA format (including effect size).

Paired Differences t df Sig (2-tail)
mean Std. Dev. Std. Error Mean
Test 1 High Temp - Low Temp -4.000 2.356 1.235 -5.632 48 0.049
Test 2 High Noise - Low Noise 3.000 8.984 2.356 4.231 48 0.473
Test 3 SPSS - Hand Calculation -9.000 4.183 0.486 8.200 48 0.001
Test 4 First Class - Last Class 7.000 7.652 1.672 -1.654 48 0.037
a. The above statistics were studied with the dependent variable being class grades.
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t df Sig. (2-tailed)
F Sig.
Test 1 Class Grade Equal Variances assumed 0.654 0.325 1.235 48 0.046
Equal Variances not assumed 1.235 46 0.046
a. comparison of high and low room temperatures
Test 2 Class Grade Equal Variances assumed 0.598 0.026 -2.536 48 0.034
Equal Variances not assumed -3 46 0.034
a. comparison of high and low noise levels in the room.
Test 3 Class Grade Equal Variances assumed 0.348 0.054 0.049 48 0.051
Equal Variances not assumed 0.049 46 0.051
a. comparison of using SPSS and hand calculation.
Test 4 Class Grade Equal Variances assumed 0.671 0.005 1.672 48 0.000
Equal Variances not assumed -1.672 46 0.000
a. comparison of taking stats first or last in a course of study.
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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