Please find a SPSS file attached to the mail. This file contains information on 315 patients with 15

Question: Please find a SPSS file attached to the mail. This file contains information on 315 patients with 15 variables for each patient. First, spend some time looking at the data set so you understand what kind of information is provided by each variable.

a. Determine the case summaries for the number, average and standard deviation of the daily caloric intake by sex, smoking status and vitamin usage. Which group has the highest average caloric intake/day? How many are in this group?

b. Test the hypothesis that the plasma levels of beta-carotene and retinol are not significantly different between patients who take vitamins either often or occasionally. Be sure to include your conclusions in the output file.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 7 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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