Compas and his fellow researchers were surprised to find that young children under stress actually r
Question: Compas and his fellow researchers were surprised to find that young children under stress actually reported fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression than we would expect. But he also noticed that their scores on a Lie Scale (a measure of the tendency to give socially desirable answers) were higher than expected. The population mean for the Lie scale is known to be 3.87. For a sample of 36 children under stress, Compas et al. found a sample mean of 4.39. They then proceeded to test whether this group shows an increased tendency to give socially acceptable answers.
(a) State the null and research hypotheses. (2 points)
(b) Which statistical procedure would Compas et al. have used to determine whether their group of children were more likely to give socially acceptable answers? (2 points)
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