A repeated-measures study with a sample of n= 9 participants produces a mean difference of MD = 4 wi

Question: A repeated-measures study with a sample of n= 9 participants produces a mean difference of MD = 4 with a standard deviation of s = 12. Based on the mean and standard deviation you should be able to visualize (or sketch) the sample distribution. Use a two-tailed hypothesis test with α= .05 to determine whether it is likely that this sample came from a population with µD = 0.

b. Now assume that the sample standard deviation is s = 3, and once again visualize the sample distribution. Use a two-tailed hypothesis test with α= .05 to determine whether it is likely that this sample came from a population with µD =0.

c. Explain how the size of the sample standard deviation influences the likelihood of finding a significant mean difference.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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