At a recent retirement party, Bridget was charged with collecting money to be split 50-50 between a

Question: At a recent retirement party, Bridget was charged with collecting money to be split 50-50 between a raffle winner and a kidney illness foundation. After seeing how the money was coming in, Bridget thought there might be a relationship between the age of the donator, and the amount of money being given by the donator, given below:

Age, x 31 35 62 50 52 61 29 44 38 53 66 73 48 57
Amount donated, y 20 25 25 70 60 20 15 55 45 55 30 10 65 30

(a) Find the line of best fit.

(b) Compute linear correlation coefficient – is there a linear relationship?

(c) Predict the value of y when x = 45.


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