Britney Spears wishes to capitalize on her Circus tour, so she develops a perfume called "Trapeze".

Question: Britney Spears wishes to capitalize on her Circus tour, so she develops a perfume called "Trapeze". To test the effectiveness and power of her perfume she hires the famed marketing expert, Dr. Evan Scent. Dr. Scent knows from previous research that woman's perfume may attract or repel men.

To study "Trapeze", Dr. Scent goes to Ocean Club VIP Escort service (of Eliot Spitzer fame) and selects a group of "escorts" at random. He takes this group of "escorts" to a high end club on two successive Friday nights and records the number of men who approach (technical term" hit on") each woman on each of the nights. On the first Friday in the bar each of the women wears no perfume. On the second visit, each of the models, places several drops of "Trapepze" on her neck and wrists before entering the bar. Dr. Scents's data looks as follows:


Subject Approaches Trapeze Approaches

Gladys Canbee 12 23

Paula Would 15 20

Ida Wanna 7 14

Mae Komthru 28 45

Ima Pushover 23 23

Ava Sectomy 18 23

Minnie Skert 17 12

Test his hypothesis at the .01 level of significance.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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