Hummingbirds life. Let x be a random variable that represents the incubation time for bird. The x di

Question: Hummingbirds life. Let x be a random variable that represents the incubation time for bird. The x dist has a mean of u=16. Let us assume that the standard deviation is o=2. The dist of x is more or less moundshaped and symmetrical but not necessarily normal. Suppose that we have n=30 eggs in an incubator. Let xbar be the average incubation time for these eggs.

(a) What can we say about the probability dist of xbar? Is it approx normal? What are the mean and standard deviation?

(b) What is the probability that xbar is between 16 and 17 days?

(c) What is the probability that xbar is less than 15 days?

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