Dioxin, often described as the most toxic chemical known, is created as a by-product in the manufact

Question: Dioxin, often described as the most toxic chemical known, is created as a by-product in the manufacture of herbicides such as Agent Orange. Scientists have found that 0.000005 gram of dioxin is lethal does for experimental guinea pigs in more than half the animal tested, making dioxin 2,000 times more toxic than strychnine. Assume that the amount of dioxin required to kill a guinea pig has a relative frequency distribution with mean = 0.000005 gram and standard deviation δ = 0.000002 gram. Consider the experiment in which the amount of dioxin required to kill each of n = 50 guinea pigs is measured, and the sample mean Ÿ is computed.

a. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution.

b. Find the probability that the mean amount of dioxin required to the 50 guinea pigs is larger than 0.0000053.

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