The following data represent a percentage of children immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, and
Question: The following data represent a percentage of children immunized against diphtheria,
pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) in a given country and the corresponding mortality rate for
children under 5.
Nation % Immunized Mortality rate per 1000 live births
Bolivia 77 118
Brazil 69 65
Cambodia 32 184
Canada 85 8
China 94 43
Czech Rep 99 12
Egypt 89 55
Ethiopia 13 208
Findland 95 7
Greece 54 9
Japan 87 6
Senegal 47 145
Turkey 76 87
UK 90 9
The following questions should be answered with the help of statistical software.
A: Construct a scatterplot for these data. Does there appear to be any relationship between
the two variables?
B: Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient, r.
C: Test the null hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient, p = 0.
D: What do you conclude (1-2 sentences max).
E: Calculate the Spearman correlation coefficient and compare it to Pearson's correlation
F: Suggest a way to assess whether Pearson's or Spearman's estimate is more appropriate
to use for this example.
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