Solution) A medical study followed 12 pairs of subjects (Father and Son) until the sons were fully-grown, typi

Question: A medical study followed 12 pairs of subjects (Father and Son) until the sons were fully-grown, typically at age 20. The researcher claims there is a relationship between the height of the Father (in inches) and that of the full-grown son. Does the data show that and, regardless of the result, is the data reliable at the 5% level of significance? (Hint: to answer the 'reliability' issue a hypothesis test will be needed.)

Father 65 63 67 64 68 62 70 66 68 67 69 71
Son 68 66 68 65 69 66 68 65 71 67 68 70
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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