Solution) Biologists and ecologists record the distributions of measurements made on animal species to help st

Question: Biologists and ecologists record the distributions of measurements made on animal species to help study the distribution and evolution of the animals. The African finch Pyrenestes ostrinus is interesting because the distribution of its bill size has two peaks even though other body measurements follow normal distributions. For example, a study in Cameroon found that the wing length of male finches varies according to a normal distribution with mean 61.2 mm and standard deviation 1.8 mm. You must show all calculations. If you use the graphing calculation, you must write down the commands and its accompanying data. (TOTAL = 9 POINTS)

a. What proportion of male finches have wings longer than 65 mm? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a percent. (3 points) START YOUR WORK HERE

Calculator Used. Used PRGM → NORMDIST → MEAN (61.2) → STANDARD DEV. (1.8) → LOWER BOUND (65) → UPPER BOUND (65) → GRAPH (0) = CUMULATIVE = 0.9826 x 100 = 98.26% < 65 mm

RIGHT TAIL = 0.0174 x 100 = 1.74% > 65 mm

BODY = 0.4826 Don’t use per you (Mr. Brown)

b. What is the wing length that only 2% of male finches exceed? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a millimeter. (6 points) START YOUR WORK HERE

Calculator Used. Used 2nd VARS (DISTR) → INVNORM (3) → (0.98, 61.2, 1.8) → Enter = 64.89674804

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