Bi-lo Appliance Stores has outlets in several large metropolitan areas in New England. The general s

Question: Bi-lo Appliance Stores has outlets in several large metropolitan areas in New England. The general sales manager plans to air a commercial for a digital camera on selected local TV stations prior to a sale starting on Saturday and ending Sunday. She plans to get the information for Saturday–Sunday digital camera sales at the various outlets and pair them with the number of times the advertisement was shown on the local TV stations. The purpose is to find whether there is any relationship between the number of times the advertisement was aired and digital camera sales. The pairings are:

Location of TV Station Number of Airings Saturday–Sunday Sales $ in Thousands
Providence 4 15
Springfield 2 8
New Haven 5 21
Boston 6 24
Hartford 3 17

Complete all parts a-e below.

a. What is the dependent variable?

b. Draw a scatter diagram.

c. Determine the coefficient of correlation.

d. Determine the coefficient of determination.

e. Interpret these statistical measures.

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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