ACE-GMAT claims that its GMAT preparatory course improves students’ GMAT scores by at least 60 point

Question: ACE-GMAT claims that its GMAT preparatory course improves students’ GMAT scores by at least 60 points on average. A consumer protection agency collected information on the GMAT scores of 18 randomly selected students who had completed the ACE-GMAT preparatory course. Their GMAT scores before and after the preparatory course are given below. Test the appropriate hypothesis at the 10% level of significance, assuming that the distribution of the GMAT score differences before and after taking the preparatory course is approximately normal. Make sure that all five steps of the hypothesis testing process are clearly identified in the appropriate order. Note that the value of the test statistic has to be obtained from the MINITAB , NOT calculated by hand.

*Note: You must have one sheet using word document for all five steps of the hypothesis testing process and another sheet obtained from the Minitab print out

Student Before After
1 560 550
2 440 430
3 570 570
4 450 660
5 460 610
6 580 700
7 600 740
8 480 590
9 450 680
10 510 720
11 560 710
12 500 640
13 540 630
14 470 520
15 590 550
16 520 650
17 580 540
18 600 570
Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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