a. Plot the logistic mean response function: E{Yi} = ?i = FL(?0 + ?1Xi) = exp(?0 + ?1Xi) / 1 + exp

Question: 4

a. Plot the logistic mean response function: E{Yi} = πi = FL0 + β1Xi) = exp(β0 + β1Xi) / 1 + exp(β0 + β1Xi), when β0 = -27 and β1= 0.2

Hint: Find the X-value which makes E(Y) = π = .50 to start the plot. Take at least 10 different X values to obtain a decent-looking line.

b. For what value of X is the mean response equal to 0.5?

c. Find the odds when X= 150, when X= 151, and the ratio of the odds when X= 151 to the odds when X= 150.

Is this odds ratio equal to exp(β1) as it should be??

Is the change in odds close to β1? Should it? Briefly explain.

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