Solution) Working with the ‘New Restaurant’ dataset (available as an Excel spreadsheet or SPSS data file, “Exa

Question: Working with the ‘New Restaurant’ dataset (available as an Excel spreadsheet or SPSS data file, “Exam2_new-restaurant”), investigate the correlation between Age of Owner (‘Owner_age’) and the Estimated Profit of the restaurant in the first 6 months (‘Profit’).
(10 points)

To earn full credit, your answer should include the following:

? A scatterplot between the two variables

? The Pearson’s correlation coefficient (and interpretation)

? The r2 value (and interpretation)

? the p-value associated with the correlation coefficient

? Your conclusion (referring to the r and p-values).

Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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