An industrial psychologist was trying to determine which supervisor, John or Mary, was better at ass

Question: An industrial psychologist was trying to determine which supervisor, John or Mary,

was better at assessing employee managerial ability. The psychologist brought the 15 employees who were to be evaluated into the HR office to take an extensive battery of five well-established and highly valid managerial ability tests. Each test in the battery had a possible score of 10, and the score for the entire set of tests was the sum of the component tests. Thus the highest possible score was 50. Independently, John and Mary each ranked the 15 employees (with 1 = best candidate; 15 = worst candidate) for a promotion to a managerial position. Based on the results of this study, who should the psychologist name as the better judge of managerial ability?




Test Score

1 5 10 26
2 11 4 48
3 3 12 15
4 4 1 45
5 9 3 33
6 1 7 38
7 13 13 20
8 10 6 45
9 7 14 17
10 14 11 25
11 2 8 29
12 8 2 41
13 15 15 10
14 12 5 32
15 6 9 22
Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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