Q15. In a study, 14 newborn babies are randomly selected and the number of girls (x) is counted. If

Question: Q15. In a study, 14 newborn babies are randomly selected and the number of girls (x) is counted. If the random selection is repeated and the number of girls counted each time, using formula given below find the mean (µ) and SD (σ) among 14 girls and draw bar charts showing frequency function vs number of girls.

[Hint: For any discrete probability distribution

\[\mu =\sum{\left[ x.P\left( x \right) \right]}\] \[\sigma =\sqrt{\left[ \sum{{{x}^{2}}}.P\left( x \right) \right]-{{\mu }^{2}}}\]

Where: µ = mean; σ = standard deviation; P(x) = probability function; x = random events] [12 points]

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