A study on the relation between rejection and depression in adolescents (acting out in negative ways

Question: A study on the relation between rejection and depression in adolescents (acting out in negative ways, such as fights) also collected data on externalizing behaviors and anxiety. We wondered whether externalizing behaviors were related to feeling of anxiety. Some of the data is on the follow table.

Externalizing Anxiety Externalizing Anxiety
9 37 6 33
7 23 2 26
7 26 6 35
3 21 6 23
11 42 9 28

a. Create a scatterplot for these data. Be sure to label both axis.

b. What does the scatterplot suggest about the relation between the two variables?

c. Would it be appropriate to calculate a Pearson correlation coefficient? Explain your answer.

d. Construct a second scatter plot, but this time add in the data for one more participant who scored a 1 on externalizing and 45 on anxiety. Would you expect the correlation coefficient to be positive or negative now? Small in magnitude or large in magnitude?

e. The Pearson correlation coefficient for the first set of data is 0.65for the second set is 0.12 explain why the correlation changed so much with the addition of just one participant.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 5 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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