According to the America Association of Medical Colleges, the number of applications to medical scho

Question: According to the America Association of Medical Colleges, the number of applications to medical schools in the United States began to decrease since 1996 as indicated in the following Table. Years are represented as the number of years since 1900 and applications are given in thousands.

Year (x) 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
Applications (y) 45.4 46.6 47.0 43.0 41.0 38.5 37.1
x y xy
94 45.4 4267.6 8836 2061.16
95 46.6 4427.0 9025 2171.56
96 47.0 4512.0 9216 2209.00
97 43.0 4171.0 9409 1849.00
98 41.0 4018.0 9604 1681.00
99 38.5 3811.5 9801 1482.25
100 37.1 3710.0 10000 1376.41
Total 679 298.6 28917.1 65891 12830.38

Determine the least squares line for this data.

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