The following data represents glucose blood level after a 12-hour fast for a random sample of 40 wom

Question: The following data represents glucose blood level after a 12-hour fast for a random sample of 40 women:

55 62 81 79 70 62 59 59 71 82

85 89 77 82 90 87 72 79 69 83

79 81 76 96 83 67 94 101 94 89

99 93 85 83 80 78 80 85 83 84

Using the data points given above, find the following measures to 2 decimal places (If the answer is 55 you may either give 55 or 55.00)

a.) sample mean _________ h.) \[{{Q}_{1}}\] _________

b.) median _________ i.) \[{{Q}_{3}}\] _________

c.) mode _________ j.) IQR __________

d.) midrange _________ k.) percentile rank of 81_________

e.) range _________

l.) CVar _________

f.) sample _________

standard deviation

g.) sample variance _________

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