You have been asked by Colorado Technical University to determine whether there is a correlation bet
Question: You have been asked by Colorado Technical University to determine whether there is a correlation between the amount of calories per serving in a bowl of cereal served at various faculty buildings versus the amount of sugar (in grams) in the cereal. The following data has been given for examination.
Assignment Guidelines
? Create a scatter plot of the given data.
o Be sure you explain your decision on which variable is the predictor and which variable is the response.
? Using computer software or a Web application, calculate the correlation coefficient, and explain what this value implies in relation to the data set.
? Create a regression equation that models the data, and describe the values of the slope and y-intercept with the data set.
? Predict how many calories a box of cereal will contain if it has 25 grams of sugar per serving.
? Predict how much sugar (in grams) a box of cereal will contain if it has 230 calories.
? Discuss any lurking variables that could be relevant to the analysis of this data set.
Your submitted assignment (150 points) should include:
? A Word document of 3–5 pages that contains your scatter plot, calculated correlation coefficient, regression equation, and responses to the questions and topics listed in the Assignment Guidelines above.
Type of Deliverable: Word Document