Construct a scatter plot and include the regression line on the graph using excel for the given data

Question: Construct a scatter plot and include the regression line on the graph using excel for the given data. Determine whether there is a positive linear correlation, negative linear correlation, or no linear correlation. Complete the table and find the correlation coefficient r. (References: example 1 - 4 pages 498 - 500; end of section exercises 15 - 22 pages 508 - 509)

In an area of the Midwest, records were kept on the relationship between the rainfall (in inches) and the yield of wheat (bushels per acre).

Rain fall, x 9.1 7.4 12 11.1 17.4 8.9 5.6 14.2 14.6
Yield, y 54.5 50.2 62.8 63 86.4 53.2 35.9 80 82.8

a) Scatter plot with regression line (3 points)

b) Type of correlation (positive linear correlation, negative linear correlation, or no linear correlation) (2 points)

c) Complete the table and find the correlation coefficient r rounded to 4 decimals. (5 points)

x y xy x2 y2
9.1 54.5
7.4 50.2
12 62.8
11.1 63.0
17.4 86.4
8.9 53.2
5.6 35.9
14.2 80.0
14.6 82.8

Use the last row of the table to show the column totals.

n = 9

\[r=\frac{n\sum{xy-\left( \sum{x} \right)\left( \sum{y} \right)}}{\sqrt{n\sum{{{x}^{2}}-{{\left( \sum{x} \right)}^{2}}}}\sqrt{n\sum{{{y}^{2}}-{{\left( \sum{y} \right)}^{2}}}}}\] =

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