The following information is available about the distribution of the price of single family homes in

Question: The following information is available about the distribution of the price of single family homes in an area:

Median = $200,000 Mean = $250,000 Standard deviation = $150,000

If possible answer the following questions, if not possible, give your reason.

a. (3) Is the distribution symmetric?

b. (5) The probability that price of a randomly selected single-family homes being less than $200,000?

c. (5) The probability that average price of randomly selected 4 single-family homes being between $100,000 and 400,000?

d. (5) The probability that average price of 100 single-family homes being between $220,000 and $280,000?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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