COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS/BRIEF ESSAYS. Kit belongs to a group called BBEDWETARS (Band of Brothers in


Kit belongs to a group called BBEDWETARS (Band of Brothers in Education and Demolitions Who Estimate They Are Really Smart) while his fiancé belongs to the group WWHINERS (Women Who Have Internal Nuggets of Ego, Resilience & Strength). Both groups are known for their claims to have extremely high IQ’s.

The BBEDWETARS claim to have a membership of 15,543 individuals while the WWHINERS claim to be more restrictive in their membership, having only 38 members.

Both groups had a professional administer an IQ test to all available members. With this particular IQ test, the national average was consistently found to be 100 with a standard deviation of 15 for the nation as a whole and for all age groups.

The BBEDWETARS average IQ was 110 according to the test. 10,124 of the 15,543 members took the IQ test. The others were unavailable at the time.

All 38 members of the WWHINERS took the same IQ test under the exact same conditions. Their average score was 112.

Based on what you have read and learned so far in the course, do your best to answer the following questions. Assume the IQ test is valid and that all participants who took the test did their best:

What changes could you make to improve the reliability and validity of the statistical testing used in this question? Assume you have total control over the testing environment, and that all club members are eager to prove their individual and group superiority. 7 points.

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Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
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