Interpret the following: (a) ʊ #770;=a#770;+β #770;Χ ;ʊ #770;=3.5+.7Chi , where &


Interpret the following:

(a) \[\hat{\Upsilon }=\hat{a}+\hat{\beta }\Chi ;\hat{\Upsilon }=3.5+.7\Chi ,\] where \[\hat{\Upsilon }\] = the likelihood of buying a new car

and \[\Chi \] = total family income.

(b) ) \[\hat{\Upsilon }=\hat{a}+\hat{\beta }\Chi ;\hat{\Upsilon }=3.5-.4\Chi ,\] where \[\hat{\Upsilon }\] = the likelihood of buying tickets to a rock concert and \[\Chi \] = age.

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