Congressman Verbosity is also a member of the U.S. House of Representative transportation committee

Question: Congressman Verbosity is also a member of the U.S. House of Representative transportation committee, subcommittee on highways and byways, and wants to change the legislation concerning funding for mass transit. The Congressman said to another reporter from the Daily Disappointment,You know, those folks in Tampa and Orlando get all the money for busses. Can you imagine, for busses . . . why don’t they just walk! Why our good folks in Prescott get nothing from mass transit, it’s time we get our fair share.” Congressman Verbosity recently came back from a one week golfing trip to the olde course in St. Andrew’s in Scotland with Art Pavers, head of the local concrete supply company, where the Congressman learned about the value of paving and putting new multilane highways in rural area, between nowhere and somewhere.

Verbosity learned from Art Pavers that the typical driver in the U.S. of A. travels some 12,000 miles per year. Because this level is written into the current transportation law, the Congressman wants a change. The Congressman contacted Robert Pencil Warren, and he did a large sample of drivers who go between Prescott County and Tampa and Hillsborough County weekdays. He found that the z-score for this study was -2.62. Test the following hypotheses at the 0.01 level of significance. Do we accept or reject the null hypothesis, and indicate why:

Ho: µ = 12,000

Ha: µ ≠ 12,000

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